//SEIBERT/MEDIA is the international sales partner of the Australian software manufacturer Atlassian, developer of the enterprise wiki Confluence, the task management system Jira and many other highly valuable software products. Customers who purchase Atlassian licenses through //SEIBERT/MEDIA receive many additional benefits.

The web-based application Jira is the powerful, established and refined bug and issue tracking system made by Atlassian Software. Jira allows you to create, delegate, prioritize, track, check and manage tasks of any kind (software bugs, project tasks, change requirements, improvements, etc.) Implementing Jira provides a business with a professional, systematic and effective error, task and quality management.


Confluence is one of the leading commercial enterprise wiki systems in existence today. We recommend it to all our large clients. //SEIBERT/MEDIA offers consulting, design, implementation, customization, programming of apps, service and safety concepts for our clients. We are a certified Atlassian service partner and here to make your Confluence project successful.


This content was last updated on 07/04/2019.

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