Export all fields you need from Jira projects. Export more than 1000 issues under normal circumstances with Information like issue’s comments and transitions. Import back the previously CSV exported into Jira instance.

Why using Exporter for Jira?

Exporter allows you to export all fields you need from Jira projects to Excel and any other compliant tool or formats accompanied with the details you needed. This simple but useful add-on allows you to export all fields you need from Jira projects to Excel and any other compliant tool or formats accompanied with all details you need.

Boost your capabilities into the creation of better reports. Ideal for SLA reporting. Export more than 1000 issues (actually unlimited) from Jira to Excel and/or CSV formats, including transitions, comments, attachments, bulk links to other issues and even let you import back the previously exported information. Exporting fields, made just painless with Exporter.


Number of usersCommercial licensesAcademic licenses
1010 USD10 USD
2560 USD30 USD
5090 USD45 USD
100180 USD90 USD
250360 USD180 USD
500720 USD360 USD
2,000850 USD425 USD
10,000950 USD475 USD
10,000+1,050 USD525 USD

Benefits of the plugin

  • Unlimited Issues
    You don´t have limit with issues you want to export
  • Excep Export
    Now that Jira has deprecated it is more useful than ever
  • CSV with custom delimiter
    Fully compatible with Jira import tool
  • Extra content
    Export attachments, comments and transition log
  • Bulk link to issue
    No more linking one by one
  • Import into Jira instance
    Import back the previously CSV exported

Use Cases for the plugin

  • Migration
    David wants to migrate his 80K issues from his JIRA Cloud instance to a JIRA Server. The issues need to include the attachments and comment.
  • Audits
    Laura needs to audit the time that the issues spend on every JIRA state. With Exporter she can export the Transition Log and have all these information.
  • Meetings
    The product team has agreed in a meeting that they will launch a new version. They need to link 20 issues to a new one to track all the content. With Exporter, they can bulk link issues quickly.
  • Excel charts
    Andrea is a project manager and loves to create Excel chart to view the progress of her projects. With Exporter, she can get powerful Excel reports to manipulate the issues’ information.




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This content was last updated on 09/21/2017.

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