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Learn how to get started with Easy Events.

Visit the Event Hub

The new Event Hub makes your events easily discoverable. Here you can find an overview of all future and past events. Each event displays all important information at one glance, such as the date and time, title or description and other useful information. Of course, every event offers a button to join an event or sign out of it again.

Create event

If you want to create an event, head over to the Event Hub and click the "Create event" button located in the top right corner. This will open the event creation dialog.

In the event creation dialog, you can enter all necessary information about your event. Each event must have a title as well as start and end dates. The optional description can contain any additional information about the event, such as a course summary, a location, pre-requisites or video conference details. In addition, you can specify wether an event is on-site, remote only or a hybrid event, wich can be attended both remote and on-site.

This page was last edited on 03/26/2024.