“Easy Events - Event management and RSVP for Confluence Cloud” won’t be available after February 1st 2024.

“Easy Events - Event management and RSVP for Confluence Cloud” will not be developed any further. If you are currently using the app, we suggest our intranet app Mantra as an alternative. If you have any further questions, please raise a support request through our support portal.

Easy Events for Confluence Cloud Documentation

Make events more visible and transparent for your employees

Atlassian Marketplace

Essential guides

Here you can find everything there is to know about Easy Events - Event management and RSVP for Confluence Cloud.

Feedback & contact possibilities

Got any feedback for us? Is there a feature you wish was included in the next release of Easy Events - Event management and RSVP for Confluence Cloud? Do you wish to book a free demo so that we can show you how our app works? No problem!

This page was last edited on 03/26/2024.