

Most teams work with subtasks to make work easier. automates the creation of multiple subtasks for your established checklists and workflows.

Let your team members create templates for their work and define summary, description and more meta data for each subtask.

Using available subtask templates is easy - open your issue and choose the relevant template from the dropdown. Just click on "Create" and your subtasks are ready to use in seconds. There's no need for a complicated configuration or any types of trigger. is securely built with Atlassian Forge

Create your first template 

Everyone with the "Browse Project" permission is allowed to create, edit and delete subtask templates within a Jira project. So it's perfect for your self-organized teams because they can easily start working with subtask templates and create multiple subtasks automated with no need of an administrator. 

To start, open a Jira project where you want to work with subtask templates. Located at the project sidebar, you'll find "Subtask Templates". Click on "New template" to start the configuration. 

Next, it's on to add a template name and your subtasks. You can even drag'n'drop subtasks to place them at the right position. Congrats, you're done with the basics. Click "Save" or keep going to add some details. 

Add subtask details

Expand an entry to add more details to your subtask (or if you want to delete an entry). You can add the following details:

  • Description 
  • Assignee 
  • Labels
  • Priority
  • Fix versions
  • Estimate (Original and Due Date)
  • (some) Custom fields 

Please notice that a field might not be supported based on your project settings. In this case you might need to ask your administrator for help. 

Depending on the field type, you can set additional options, e.g. for "Priority":

If you have configured any custom fields within your project, some of them might be available for the subtask template. If you miss a custom field type, please feel free to contact us via . 

Additional template options

Append parent key / parent summary

You can append the parent key and / or summary to your subtasks, so you can easily recognise the related parent issue. The created subtask will have the following format within the summary:

Subtask Summary: Parent-Key Parent Summary  (e.g "Task Breakdown: EST-45 Show available templates")

Control template visibility 

If you have a lot of teams working within one single Jira project, you might have a long list of available subtask templates when you want to create subtasks. In this case of "too many templates" you can set the visibility for selected templates based on Jira groups. This gives a better overview and it's easier to choose the matching template when you want to create multiple subtasks. Leave this field empty if the template should be selectable for all users within the related project. 

Please notice that this feature won't restrict creating, editing or deleting Subtask Templates for a Jira project, since these actions are based on the "Browse project permission". Control template visibility will only improve the usability when creating subtasks for a Jira issue.. 

Import and export 

Since a subtask template is assigned to one Jira project, you can also import and export an existing template if you want to use it in other projects - so you don't have to start at zero. 

Please notice that this is not a synchronisation between templates. It's there to help you if you want to reuse an existing template ("copy&paste"). 

Delete template

For sure you can even delete an existing template. Please be aware that a deleted template can not be restored.

Edit template

To edit an existing template open "Subtask Templates" (located at the project sidebar) and select the template you want to edit from the list. Changes won't affect subtasks you have already created based on the template nor templates you've created based on the import/export feature. 

Create subtasks based on templates

It's on to start using for creating multiple subtasks. When opening a Jira issue, you'll see a "Create subtasks from template" button available at the issue navigation (sometimes the button it hidden and you have to open the additional navigation "..."). 

At the bottom of the Jira issue you'll see the "Create subtask from template" interface. Open the dropdown menu in order to see all available templates. Notice that some templates might be hidden if the visibility is controlled in order to have a better overview. 

After choosing a template, you can see its subtasks. Click "Create subtasks" if there's no need for any changes. After that you're ready to go. 

Customize Subtask Template (One-time Changes)

You can use a template the way it is or you can make a one-time change. This means that the template itself won't be affected but you can change details for this time when you create subtasks. 

Do not create specific subtasks

If you click on a subtask, you can unselect it which means that the subtask won't be created. 

Customize subtask or template details

Click "Customize" if you want to change some details of specific subtasks or if you want to add additional information.

You can add subtasks, add a prefix or even append the parent key and / or parent summary to the subtasks which will be created based on this template. You can also remove appending parent key or summary if it's activated for the selected template. 

In addition you can also edit the summary of the subtasks or change some details:

  • Description 
  • Assignee 
  • Labels
  • Priority
  • Fix versions
  • Estimate (Original and Due Date)
  • (some) Custom fields 

For more information and limitations, please see here Add subtask details . 

Click "Save" as soon as you're done with customizing. Please keep in mind that these one-time changes won't affect the template itself or any other subtasks created from this template.


Known Issues

  • You can only create 20 templates per project
  • If you have many subtasks, the order of them might get mixed up 

Feature Requests

The further development of the is heavily influenced by the feedback we receive from customers. If there's anything that could be improved or something is missing, take a look at our public roadmap or contact us at

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 12/06/2022.

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