JavaScript API

In some cases it may be desirable to render the menu structure yourself. We have built some JavaScript components that get the menu structure for the current user in JSON format (both just use the REST API which is documented below) or the information whether the current user is allowed to edit the menu structure.

New style:

 * Get the JSON representation for the menu of the current user.
 * @return jQuery Ajax (jqXHR) object.


 * Get the information whether the current user is allowed to edit the menu structure.
 * @return jQuery Deferred that is resolved when the current user has permission to edit the menu and rejected when not.

Old style:

 * Get the JSON representation for the menu of the current user.
 * The JSON also includes a boolean field "userHasEditPermission" that is true when the current user is allowed to edit the menu structure
 * @param callback Function to process JSON, e.g. processJSON(Object menuJson) { ... }
SeibertMedia.MenuEditor.MenuBuilder.buildJsonMenu(function callback)


End points

GET menueditor/2.0/menu/current-userReturns the navigation structure for the current user in JSON formatEveryone
GET menueditor/2.0/permissions/currentuserReturns true or false if the current user has permission to edit the navigation structureEveryone

Menu Resource Details

GET menueditor/2.0/menu/current-user

Resource URL: <HOST><CONTEXT>/rest/menueditor/2.0/menu/current-user

Result (Example)

         "title":"Item 1",
                  "title":"Item 1.1",
                  "title":"Item 1.2",
                  "title":"Item 1.3",
                  "title":"Category 1.4 (with subcategory)",
                           "title":"Category 1.4.1",
entityIDID of the Confluence Entity (Page ID or SpaceKey)
linkexternal URL if entry is an external link
type"category", "separator", "internal-space-link", "internal-page-link", "dashboard-link", "external-link"
targetBlankif "true", the link opens in a new tab/window

GET menueditor/2.0/permissions/currentuser

Resource URL: <HOST><CONTEXT>/rest/menueditor/2.0/permissions/currentuser

Result (Example)

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 09/04/2019.

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