Easy to use

A large collection shape libraries offer hundreds of visual elements, which can be positioned in the drawing area with drag & drop. These shapes can be freely edited, moved, scaled and rotated. You can display and hide toolbars with just a click – you always have the choice between a lean and efficient interface, or one with the full range of functions displayed. Need some help to learn to draw.io? Check out our tutorial page.

Powerful functionality

Create flowcharts, process diagrams, org charts, UML, ER diagrams, network diagrams and much more. Use the power of the automatic layout function, create your own custom shape libraries, and work with metadata to pack more useful information into your diagrams. Find out more about the powerful functionality of draw.io below. 

There are many different diagramming apps for Confluence. It’s hard to know which app is the best, so we’ve summarized and compared the functionality of draw.io, Gliffy and Lucidchart on this page.

Seamlessly integrated

Embed your diagrams in context on each Confluence page where they are needed. To provide the best results, the built-in search function doesn't just index the filenames of your diagrams, or the title and content of the page containing the diagram, but also the text contained within all of your diagrams, making it easy to find what you are searching for.

Revision history of all changes

All changes made to a page, including any changes made to the draw.io diagrams within a page are logged in the Confluence version history (a must-have for ISO 9001). You can quickly and easily see all changes made via Confluence's page history.

Interface customization

You can globally configure aspects of the draw.io editor interface for all users in Confluence to make it faster to work with common shapes, templates and your corporate styles. You can configure color palettes, built-in and custom libraries, CSS overrides for the editor appearance, font CSS to inject custom fonts and much more.

High performance

draw.io is very economical in its use of resources, making this one of the most compelling advantages for companies with a slower hardware update cycle. The interface is extremely responsive: moving, rotating, enlarging, and connecting shapes is smooth and fast - not only on modern hardware, but also on older computers and on mobile devices like tablets that have limited computing power.

Attractive price

Compared to similar apps, draw.io is priced fairly for all Atlassian deployments (Cloud, Data Center and Server). Please have a look at the links below to get to the pricing for your current deployment.

Pricing for Confluence
Pricing for Jira

Good support & constant innovation

draw.io has fast support team that is fully backed by the founders and provides personal support if you have any questions or come across any problems. Updates to the draw.io app are released every 14 days. draw.io is an open source technology stack for building diagramming applications and offers a free web app, useful when you need to share diagrams outside your Confluence or Jira instances. 

Easy to switch

All diagrams created with Gliffy or Visio can be quickly and easily imported into draw.io and edited as if they were native draw.io diagrams. Just drag & drop your files onto the draw.io drawing area and edit them as you want.

Gliffy mass import

Do you have multiple Gliffy diagrams in your Confluence instance that need to be converted into native draw.io diagrams? Follow this FAQ for the Gliffy Mass Import for Confluence Server or this helpdesk article for the Gliffy Mass Import in Confluence Cloud and you will be able to import all your Gliffy diagrams into draw.io with just a few clicks!

Full control over your data

draw.io for Confluence Server is a fully-behind-the-firewall product, draw.io does not send any diagram data externally if you use the default configuration. You can enable the option to use external servers for image generation or to import from more file or code formats, but this is disabled by default and requires an administrator to enable it.

The storage of your diagram data is GDPR compliant on your own server as well as in the official Atlassian Cloud Servers. At no point can draw.io see personal or usage data or your diagram data. When you work on a draw.io diagram stored in Confluence or Jira, your diagram data is stored only in your browser and in your instance. Because draw.io is open source you can see for yourself that all API requests follow our strict data security and privacy policies.

Native browser technologie

draw.io is a HTML5 application that uses only native browser technologies as you work on your diagrams. This provides you with stability, usability and data security. The technology behind draw.io is mxGraph, a market-leading solution and the only tool that works in any browser without plugins. MxGraph is the most powerful and mature browser diagramming technology on the market that runs completely client-side.

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This content was last updated on 07/30/2020.

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