"Upgrade your profile" widget

To help you start your journey right, we created a "Upgrade your profile" widget which can be found on your dashboard. It will appear when some info is still missing in your profile and will remind you to fill your profile out.

The button at the bottom of the widget will take you to your profile. The text of the widget (and the button) will change, depending on the info you already provided.

You can also press the "Skip" button to hide the widget for the time being.

The reward for a fully filled out profile

Filling out your profile is worth the time!

A fully filled out profile will help your colleagues to get to know you and your skills better. Make sure to fill your profile out! 

Also, once your profile was filled out completely, some confetti awaits you. 🎉

This content was last updated on 11/29/2021.

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