List of macros supported for mobile rendering*

*as of Linchpin Mobile version 4.4.0


The 'Panel' macro is one of Confluence's most frequently used macros. Linchpin Mobile supports all of the macro's settings and renders the panel accordingly on mobile devices.


The 'Status' macro is one of Confluence's most frequently used macros. Linchpin Mobile supports all of the macro's settings and renders the status accordingly on mobile devices.

Info / Tip / Warning / Note

These macros are also very commonly used. Linchpin Mobile is able to render single line representation of the macros as well as multi line with an additional title.

Jira Task

The 'Jira' macro is used to include the most important information on any issue into a Confluence page. Linchpin Mobile is able to render single task macros as well as macro representation for a group of issues.


The 'Profile' macro is used to include contact information of a Confluence user within a page. Linchpin Mobile is able to render the default representation of this macro as well as customized versions.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin User Profiles version 2.8.1 or later is required.


The 'Event' macro is used to include event information within a page. Linchpin Mobile is able to render all basic event information as well as the event's header image.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin Events version 2.0.1 or later is required.

Linchpin Teaser

The 'Linchpin Teaser' macro is used to highlight important information or redirect to related (internal or external) resources. Linchpin Mobile is able to render teaser according to the color schemes defined in the Linchpin Theme's settings and supports single line, multi line, icon, and image representations. Also, links are supported on mobile.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin Theme version 2.18.0 or later is required.

Layout Box

The 'Layout Box' macro is used to format page content in order to create powerful layout compositions. Linchpin Mobile is able to render layout boxes' color scheme and content (even rich content like images).

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin Theme version 2.15.0 or later is required.

Widget Connector

The 'Widget connector' macro is widely used to include external media (e.g., from YouTube) into a Confluence page. Linchpin Mobile is able to render a video preview in that case as well as play the included video in full screen.

Content Responsibility

The 'Content Responsibility' macro is used to define the formal 'owner' of a page's content. The person responsible for the content is taking care of the information, updates the content, and adds related information over time. Linchpin Mobile is able to render the macro with either one or multiple responsible users set.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin User Profiles version 2.16.0 or later is required.

Customized User List

The 'Customized User List' macro is used to display a filtered list of users that relate to the context of a page. The macro can be configured to display a list of users filtered by any profile field which makes it very flexible in use. Linchpin Mobile is able to render the macro with any filter configuration and also displays a selection of profile fields in the list.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin User Profiles version 2.16.0 or later is required.


The 'Apps' macro is used to display Launchpad apps within a page context. The macro can be configured to display either a list of apps or only a single app. Linchpin Mobile is able to render the macro with any configuration, displays additional app information when needed, and opens app links in an external browser on tap.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin Launchpad version 2.2.0 or later is required.


The 'Multimedia' macro is used to include audio and video files that were uploaded to Confluence into pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the file name and a 'Play' button. When tapping the macro Linchpin Mobile downloads the file and initialises playback.

Aura Button

The 'Aura Button' macro is used to include a visually appealing button into pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the button according to the settings configured with the macro. When tapping the macro Linchpin Mobile directs the user to the destination specified with the macro.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.5.10 or later is required.

Aura Cards

The 'Aura Cards' macro is used to include visually appealing small panels ("cards") into pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the cards defined in the macro configuration. If multiple cards have been configured in a single macro, they are displayed one below the other in the mobile app.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.5.10 or later is required.

Aura Divider

The 'Aura Divider' macro is used to improve the internal structure of pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the divider according to the settings configured with the macro (text, icon, color, style).

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.5.10 or later is required.

Aura Panel

The 'Aura Panel' macro is used to highlight important information within pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the panel according to the settings configured with the macro. All designs available in aura can be displayed in Linchpin Mobile as well.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.5.10 or later is required.

Aura Title

The 'Aura Title' macro is used to include visually appealing headlines and subheadlines in pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the title according to the settings configured with the macro (text, color, style).

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.5.10 or later is required.

Aura Background Content

The 'Aura Background Content' macro is used to include text with a background image or color-filled background panel into pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro displaying the background image or background color as well as the text overlay according to the setting configured with the macro.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Aura - Beautiful Formatting Macros version 3.6.1 or later is required.

Corporate News Feed

The 'Enterprise News Feed' macro is used to include a visually appealing list of the latest news articles into pages. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro the same way it displays news in the corresponding 'News' tab of the app, but narrows down the news displayed in the macro context according to the parameters set with the macro.

(warning) Please note: For this macro to fully render in Linchpin Mobile Linchpin Enterprise News version 2.11.0 or later is required.


The 'Expand' macro is a commonly used confluence macro to include extended information into a page. Linchpin Mobile renders the macro the same way it is displayed in desktop view. Simply tap the highlighted text to expand the macro content.

Your favorite macro is not yet being rendered in Linchpin Mobile? Tell us about it!

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This content was last updated on 02/17/2022.

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