Please note that we no longer offer support for this app as it has been removed from the Marketplace.



  • JIRA version 6.4.6 and higher
  • Outgoing HTTP Access from your JIRA Server to for Timezone Support (Optional)


How to create a new Subscription

  1. Create a JQL Search and hit Enter on your keyboard
  2. Save the Search as a Filter
  3. Click on the ICS Button and select "Create new subscription" (see Subscription Wizard)
  4. Fill out the form
  5. Paste the created URL in your favourite calendar

Please make sure, that the filtered issues have one of the following fields / custom fields assigned and filled out, because else you won't see anything in your calendar:

    • Due Date
    • Date Picker
    • Date Time Picker

Subscription Wizard

  • The Subscription Wizard helps you to create a new subscription: Just fill out the simple form and you are ready to go!
      • Step 1: Create a new subscription

      • Step 2: Fill out the form and select a Filter you want to subscribe to

Subscription Manager

The Subscription Manager displays all your subscriptions as well as the used Filter (or JQL for older Subscriptions before this version) so you will never loose track of them.

    • Step 1: Open the subscription Manager
  • Step 2: Have a look at the subscription overview
  • Actions:

    1. Show Subscription URL for calendar
    2. Show search results for this filter / JQL
    3. Delete subscription (your calendar will no longer geht new events) 
  • Shared Filter are highlighted, because other User can delete them. Make sure to continuously watch the subscription status. 
  • Subscriptions based on a deleted Filter are highlighted as well, but still functional. The search will by done based on the deleted filters JQL.
  • Open directly the used JQL search.

Start & end date support for events

    • Use custom date fields to display your events with start & end dates and times as well.

Top Navigation Bar

You can now easily reach the ICS functionality from everywhere. You will find a new section called issue calendar sync in the issue-dropdown menu. 

This page was last edited on 04/18/2024.