Link to Confluence Page

Once a rule creates a page, a reciprocal link will be created. The link will show up in the well known link section of a Jira issue. The Confluence page has the same backlink. This way it's easy to navigate forth and back between pages and issues.

Example Screenshot of an issue detail view

Issue sidebar - Issue Glance 

More detailed information about the rule execution status, the linked page and the associated rules can be found in the issues sidebar. We provide a AutoPage issue glance. Just click the AutoPage Entry in the details and get detailed information

The details shows all pages that were created by AutoPage. For each Page the following information is available:

Rulename from which the page was createdBug Analysis
Last Event that occured

Page updated

The Updated Date09.12.2022 15:45:39
The linked PageBug Analysis - APTEST-17 Mysterious Bug

Example Screenshot of an issue glance

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 12/09/2022.

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