Please note that we no longer offer support for this app as it has been removed from the Marketplace.

Create and edit JIRA issues in Confluence

The Issue Manager macro displays all the fields from the Jira create screen in Confluence while creating or editing Jira issues. Most field types are supported.

View the full issue description in Confluence

The Issue Manager displays Jira issues in Confluence pages with a fully expandable description and the fields assignee, reporter & due date.

Build useful issue creation forms

With the "Form Macro" you can add an issue creation form to any page. User request will be automatically transformed into a Jira issue.

Comparative and functional overview of Issue Manager and Confluence standard

Implemented Features

Issue Manager

Confluence standard

Create Jira Issues
Edit Jira Issues
Search for Jira Issues and insert them into the edited Confluence page
Create & edit Jira Issues even if Jira Fields aren't supported
Display all Jira Standard Fields from the Jira Create Screen
Display Jira Issues also in page edit mode
Display the complete content of the Description Field (expandable)
Display Date Fields based on the Date Time Format configured in Confluence
Save the last used Jira Project & Issuetype per user
Appealing Design
Linked Confluence pages with Jira Issues
Text to Issue

Scheduled & upcoming Features for Issue Manager

Last viewed Jira Issues
Table to Issues
Column Mapping for "Table to Issues"
Three different Layouts / Designs
Create Jira Issues directly from page view mode
Preconfigured Jira Project & Issuetype for a specific Confluence page
Embed any Jira Create Screen into a Confluence page

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This page was last edited on 04/18/2024.