Make an appointment for a free demo session

We offer the chance to get a free demo session hosted by one of our //SEIBERT/MEDIA consultants to give you a better understanding of the latest version of the Linchpin Mobile App. Just contact us and make an appointment for your personal session. 

Try it out yourself

  1. Install the "Ionic view" app in the AppStore or Google Playstore.
  2. Login with user "" and Password "linchpin".
  3. Start the app and try it out.

Please note, that the app only works with a special Confluence add-on. So please start with our pre-configured demonstration instance. If you want to use the app with your own instance, please contact us.

Want a real app installed? Get the beta installed on your phone and on your Confluence.




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This content was last updated on 03/07/2019.

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