Installation & Licensing

The Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence is a type 2 app, please note Atlassian's installation information: 
Installation steps via Universal App Manager

  1. Sign on to your Confluence as admin
  2. Open the admin menu and select Atlassian Marketplace.  The page "Search new apps" will load
  3. Search for Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence in the Marketplace. The matching version of the apps will be displayed in results.
  4. Click on Free Trial to install a trial version or click on Buy now to purchase a license for the Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence. You will be asked to register at MyAtlassian. Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence will be downloaded and automatically installed.

  5. You will be asked to register or log in to MyAtlassian.

  6. Once you have logged in, Space Privacy - Extranet for Confluence will be automatically downloaded and installed into your Confluence instance

  7. You'll find the Space Privacy configuration under "User and Security".

If you first use Space Privacy with an evaluation key and then want to register a full licence key from marketplace, you will have to deactivate the app and activate it again to make sure that the app works correctly.

Admin Configuration

In the Space Privacy Extranet Configuration you can define some important settings that will effect all extranet spaces you create.

Scroll down to see details of every setting. 


Who can see and find users that are not assigned to an extranet?

You can choose wether users who are not assigned to an extranet should be visible for other users or not. By selecting "Global and Space Administrators and Extranet User Managers" only those user types have access to all users. In this case Extranet users can only see Extranet users who have access to the same extranet spaces. 

By selecting "All users" they can see users who are not part of an extranet space, e.g. internal employes. 



Create new User in Extranet Space tools

You can select whether Global Admins, Extranet Manager and Extranet User Managers can create new users in the extranet space administration. 

This option is deactivated by default, which only allows for adding existing Confluence users (and LDAP users) to an extranet space. 


Which admin roles should be available?

You can define if Extranet Manager and Extranet User Manager are available to assign to an extranet space.
Only the selected admin roles will be displayed in "Create Extranet Space" window and in the Extranet Space tools.


Initial User Permissions

It is possible to decide which initial permissions should be available in extranet spaces for extranet users. Now it is available to set custom permissions. 

You have to click on the tab "User Roles" to see the full list of role details.


Create an Extranet Space

Create a new Extranet Space

An extranet is a space that is secured by the Space Privacy Extranet for Confluence App. In order to create a new extranet, click "Create Space" in the dashboard or click on "Spaces" and select "Create Space". In the following dialogue select extranet space and click next. 


Name your new Space

You can then choose a name for the extranet space, select a space key, and optionally add users as extranet manager and extranet user manager. By clicking create, the new extranet space is created. By creating an extranet space, the app will set up a group for every initial permissions role, an extranet-users group and an extranet group for all users who have access to this particular extranet space.





Or switch an existing space to an extranet space

You can switch an already existing Confluence space to an Extranet Space.

Just open the Space tools --> Overview and click on the tab "Convert Space to Extranet". 



Extranet space administration

As Admin, Extranet Manager and Extranet User Manager you can access the extranet administration via Space tools.



Listing of all extranet users

In the Space tools Extranet Tab you can manage all usergroups of your current extranet space and view all extranet users which have been added to it.

You can delete extranet users just by clicking on the trash bin.

Groups can only be deleted in the Groups tab. Extranet Manager and Extranet User Manager can only be deleted in the Admin-Roles tab. 



Search for specific user in the userlist

You can filter the userlist in the Space tools tab by typing at least 2 letters in the searchbar above the list.

The search works by full name and user name.



Assign users to an extranet

You can add existing users and groups with the autocomplete search via the tab Assign User.

When adding users, existing Confluence groups of that user will not be deleted. If a user is not visible in autocompletion, please make sure that he is a member of a confluence user standard group, e.g. confluence-users.





Creating users (optional)

If you have configured the Space Privacy Extranet for Confluence App accordingly, you can create new users as Extranet Manager or Extranet User Manager within your current extranet space. Just go to the Create User tab and fill in the user information of the user you want to create.

If there is no tab for Creating User your administrator has not set it up.



Assign new Extranet Manager

To assign a new Extranet Manager or Extranet User Manager for the current extranet space, you can select users in the tab Admin-Roles. You can also delete them there.

Only Global Administrators and Extranet Manager have access to this possibility. 











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