Launchpad - Access your external tools

Create your own set of apps to access external systems from within your intranet

See the documentation for your release


Release Notes 2.2

Version 2.2.3


  • The Empty State of the Launchpad macro has been revised and modernized (The status in which no apps are visible to the user, e.g. because there are none available or necessary permissions are missing.)
  • Compatibility with Confluence 7.7 has been ensured.
  • Finding the Launchpad macro is easier and more intuitive due to an extended keywording

Version 2.2.2

Fixed Bugs:

  • Display problems with the Launchpad under Internet Explorer 11
  • Fixed filtering of the people-picker in the admin area of the Launchpad, which caused non-administrators to be entered by mistake

  • Improvements of the read-only mode of Confluence


Compatibility release

We're happy to announce Confluence 7.2 compatibility!


New Features

The app macro is now also available for mobile use and allows Linchpin Mobile users to access their favorite apps when on the go. 

If you are facing problem after installation, please refer to Problems with PostgreSQL.

  • No labels

This content was last updated on 08/26/2020.

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