We have created our own "flight plan" to onboard new employees in Confluence. In order to count the stars automatically, we created a small custom user macro. We demonstrated this in a webinar, and have received a number of enquiries about an English version.

We would like to make the macro available for free here as a gift.

However, we do not offer any guarantee, warranty or support for this macro!

Right of use

The user receives a simple right of use, unlimited in time and restricted locally to Germany. The user is not permitted to sell, lend, rent, give away or otherwise transfer the macro to a third party. The user has no right to reproduce or distribute the macro publicly. The user is granted processing rights only to localize and customize the UI of the macro, and this work shall be done entirely at the user's own risk. The user is obliged to create backups and fully test the (edited) macro in their test environment before installing it in their productive instance.  

Please note that you need system administration rights.

The installation and use of the macro is at your own risk. Liability will only be assumed for gross negligence, malicious and fraudulent intent. This shall not apply to injury to life, body or health or to liability under the Product Liability Act.

We explicitly advise you to create a backup of the systems before each installation of the macro and to always install and test the macro first in a test environment in order to be able to exclude errors and malfunctions before the macro is transferred to a productive instance.

Files and documentation


For a demonstration of how we use this internally at //SEIBERT/MEDIA, please see the video on the German page: https://seibert.biz/intergalaktischerflugplan

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This content was last updated on 09/04/2019.

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