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Hide the author of news

If you wish to hide the author of a news, you can do it. In such case the news will display its creation date, but not the author.

Navigate to the blog post you want to edit or create a new one.

While in the edit mode of a blog post, click on the Additional information for this blog post button at the very top of the screen.

Navigate to the Additional content tab.

Finally, activate the Hide author checkbox and click on the Save additional information button.

NEW IN LINCHPIN SUITE 4.1.2 When using this functionality, the Linchpin News Digest will also hide author information.


We can't guarantee that the standard Confluence mail will hide the news' author. We have no influence over Confluence's mails, so standard mails (not the news digest) might reveal the author -- even if hidden by Linchpin Enterprise News.

What else can I do with Linchpin Enterprise News?

Want to learn how to approve or reject news? Click here!

This page was last edited on 09/28/2023.