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Get more out of your Linchpin Theme with Linchpin apps

Linchpin users are now able to style additional apps to get full control of their theme. If you own any of the apps listed below, there are additional stylings available (see the description column).

App Name


Linchpin LaunchpadProvides a tab in your sidebar to list your configured apps and links.
Linchpin Enterprise NewsLTP provides additional styling for your news.
Linchpin User ProfilesProvides the expert finder and contact manager for your sidebar.

Styling Cover Stories in Enterprise News

Define the look & feel of the "Cover Stories" macro (provided by the "Enterprise News Bundle" app).

Pre-define color sets for different types of news.

The configuration features a live preview of your changes.

Image and video

Define the colors inside an image/video tile for elements like text, background of the text or label borders. Your Confluence users can use those colors inside the macro.

Title on color

Define the colors inside a news tile without images for elements like background, text or label borders. Your Confluence users can use those colors inside the macro. 


Define the colors inside a news tile with a quote. You can define colors for elements like the quotation icon, background of the text, background of the quotation etc.

Your Confluence users can use those colors inside the macro.

Make sure that your theme is active

Please note: Make sure that Linchpin Theme is active.

Visit our documentation on how to activate your theme to learn more.

This page was last edited on 09/29/2023.