...is an Excel-like issue editor with importing and exporting features. It helps you do things in Jira that were only possible in Excel: extremely fast issue edition, column and cell calculations and many more! It also helps you to import thousands of issues or export them (even with comments or attachments) in XLS or HTML.

Why using JExcel PRO?

JExcel PRO is basically an Excel in Jira. It is built on Excel-like concepts and totally feels like working in a spreadsheet. It enables you to see, edit and delete issues like you would in Excel.

There is no need to use JQLs anymore. Finding an issue is much easier with the built-in sorting and filtering capabilities. But it is not only about the issues: colouring tabs, flagging rows, renaming, resizing or even hiding columns enable you to customize the whole table! It is a great help for business users, too. Creating calculated columns or checking the average/count/sum of cells is always useful to them.You can create workbooks from a set of issues and work on them with their colleagues.

JExcel PRO is not only a great issue editor, but it also helps you to import and export your issues. They can even see who is working on a workbook in real time! You can import issues from virtually anywhere: Excel, Notepad or even Word (through clipboard). The export function is also very useful since the built-in Excel export function was removed by Atlassian from Jira 7.2.

Or it may give you a little more than that: it enables you to export more than 1,000 issues even with comments, images or other attachments.


Number of usersCommercial licensesAcademic licenses
10105 USD52.50 USD
25250 USD125 USD
50500 USD250 USD
1001,000 USD500 USD
2502,000 USD1,000 USD
5003,000 USD1,500 USD
2,0004,000 USD2,000 USD
10,0005,000 USD2,500 USD
10,000+6,000 USD3,000 USD

Benefits of the plugin

  • Excel like UI with in-place edition and issue creation
  • Excel like filtering and sorting
  • Hide/Unhide columns
  • Copy-paste issues and values
  • Column renaming, resizing, freezing
  • Average/Count/Sum of the selected cells
  •  Google Spreadsheet-like collaboration
  • “Change history” of cells
  • Column calculations
  • Import issues from MS Excel
  • Export (with comments, images and attachments)

Use Cases for the plugin

  • Making everything faster in Jira (creating, editing, deleting and finding issues)
  • Working in an Excel-like environment (renaming, resizing, freezing and hiding columns)
    • Flagging rows
    • Copying-pasting values
    • Seeing the history of cells
    • Making calculations with columns and cells
    • Working in workbooks (list of selected issues)
  • Collaboration
    • Inviting colleagues to work with you on a workbook
    • Seeing who is editing the workbook in real time
  • Importing
    • Importing from Excel or Notepad
    • Virtually anywhere (like a Text file, through clipboard)
  • Exporting
    • Exporting more than 1000 issues
    • Exporting issues with comments, images, attachments
    • Exporting to Excel (XLS) or HTML



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This content was last updated on 09/21/2017.

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