Automated Page Creation

AutoPage allows you to create whole page hierarchies in your Confluence space - from Jira. The details from your Jira activity will automatically appear on the generated Confluence page without any further effort.

Dynamic Jira Values in Confluence Macros

Insert your favorite Confluence macro into your page and add a placeholder to display data from your Jira activity dynamically. With AutoPage you can easily add and update Jira data to your Confluence page in no time.

Infinite Possibilities

Because AutoPage uses JQL, you can strictly define which and how Jira issues should be documented on a Confluence page. You can even choose when to create a page selectively based on a certain status.


Automated Page Creation

Support your documentation processes and start creating Confluence pages automatically from Jira.


Define which and how Jira issues should be added to a Confluence page - AutoPage will do the rest for you.
JQL is supported and helps you simplify the configuration quickly and easily.


Maintain a consistent look and feel by creating templates with predefined page structures.


Stop updating your Confluence page manually and use dynamic placeholders which can be filled with your Jira data.


Forget static macro content and start adding dynamic values to your favorite Confluence macros.

Audit Log

See an overview of the operations performed by AutoPage on the right-hand side of your Jira issue.

Audit Log for Admins

Track every operation related to Confluence pages created and manipulated by AutoPage and spot potential errors with a glance.

Manual Text Edit

Add your own content to the generated Confluence page.

Jira Software needed

Please note that an installation of Jira Software is needed for the use of Autopage!


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This content was last updated on 12/19/2022.

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