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Where do I manage the labels for the Apps?

To manage the labels for the Apps, click on the gear icon and then on Apps. On the left, click on Configuration underneath the Launchpad and then on the App Label tab.

How to define an "App Label"

After switching to the tab "App Label" you can define as many labels as you need.  Labels can be used to show special use cases for apps (e.g. "mobile"). One label can be displayed on the app tile.

To edit a label, simply click on the pencil icon.

To delete a label, simply click the trashcan icon.


A deleted label cannot be restored and has to be added again, if you deleted it by mistake.

Info on the globe icon

The globe icon is only visible if you've purchased the Linchpin Suite as it's part of the package.

If you don't see it, you aren't able to translate the label automatically and have to do it individually.

For further information, visit Translate other Apps.

Link to this page:

  • No labels
This page was last edited on 09/28/2023.