Session goals

Your aim in this session covers the definition and configuration of news in your organization.

Your tasks in this session are to:

  1. Define the types of news and categories.
  2. Identify the pages in the intranet where personalized news should be published.
  3. Specify the criteria used to personalize the news at each of these locations.
  4. Define the layout and configuration of Cover Stories.
  5. Define the corporate news feed.
  6. Define personal news feeds.
  7. Define mandatory news.

At the end of this session, aim to have all of the table templates completed.

On this page

Technical overview and glossary

General information and news elements

  • "News" is published in Confluence in blogs.
  • Creation of a news article is done by writing a blog post in Confluence.
  • A variety of macros and functions then broadcast the news: 
    • ENB: Cover Stories
    • ENB: Corporate News Feed
    • ENB: Personal News Feed
    • ENB: Mandatory Fews
    • Confluence standard: Blog posts


ENBApp name: Enterprise News Bundle
CNFMacro name: Corporate News Feed
PNFMacro name: Personal News Feed

Editorial point of view

Types of news

  • There are various senders: Leaders, corporate communications, departments, project/teams, ...
  • There are various types of news: 
    • Top-down news from the company leaders
    • Announcements from the employee representative group (workers' council)
    • Press releases
    • Location-based news
    • Project news 
    • ...

Define the types of news published in your organization

Questions to ask

  • Who are the authors of news articles?
  • Which authors are allowed to create news articles in which news channels?
  • Can news articles be created in all spaces? For example, department spaces.
  • What pages should display news articles, and how should this be presented?
  • Are there landing pages for specific groups, e.g. location, roles, language?
  • Should users be able to personalize their news?
  • If yes, which profile attributes should the personalization be based on?
  • Is there an approval process for publishing news?

  • Who can release the news items for publication?

  • Should news items have an expiration and/or publication date?

Answer the questions above to clarify your organization's news concept

News configuration

Spaces that will contain news articles

News can be published in any Confluence space. To keep track of it, and because of the permissions in Confluence, it makes sense to define some news-only spaces. You can, of course, use spaces where other pages are created. For each space, you can define whether news articles should go  through a release process.

(News) SpaceSpae shortcutDescriptionRelease process?Person(s) responsible (User/Group)
E.g. Corporate NewsCNNews space for all corporate news


Intranet editors

News categories

News categories combine several news sections to create a personalized overview. Each category can contain any number of news sections using a combination of keywords and personalization options. These news categories can be used to display Cover Stories or the Corporate News Feed.

For example: Here are two channels: Corporate News and Corporate News Berlin. News articles labelled Berlin should only be displayed to employees located in Berlin.

Profile attributes for personalization


Draft news categories

News categorySpace(s)Keyword(s)Primary attributePrimary attributeTertiary attribute
e.g. locationCorporate News Berlin, IT News Berlin-Location Berlin --
Corporate NewsBerlinLocation Berlin --

Display of news articles

The news spaces and categories can be personalized in different ways on different pages. You can display news articles using Cover Stories, the Corporate News Feed, the slim Corporate News Feed, Mandatory News and the Personal News Feed.

Cover Stories

Cover Stories are a tile-like view of news articles similar to a magazine. Each tile can be individually configured from four different sources. You can use a variety of layout: 2x2, 2x4 and 4x4 tiles.

Tile settings

Personalized news categoriesSelection from defined news categories, e.g. location (see above).
Space-label combination

Combination from one or more spaces and keywords, e.g. news from the Corporate News space with the keyword Berlin.

News categoriesSelection from a backend-category, displaying all news in all spaces from a specific category.
Individual page/blog postA specific news article.

Tile height

The tile height can be adjusted from 220 to 1,000 pixels. You can change this configuration in the embedded macro.


The tiles are in a carousel layout, or slides. You can have zero to five more slides. 

Tile elements

You can configure the metadata displayed within each tile in the macro configuration. The following can be configured:

Cover Stories configuration

LayoutEmbedded in page
Cover Stories - 4x4Dashboard
TileSourceSpace / Category / ArticleKeyword(s)
Tile 1Personalized news categoriesLocation-
Tile 2Space-label combination

Space: Corporate News


Tile 3   
Tile 4   
Tile 5   
Tile 6   
Tile 7   
Tile 8   
LayoutEingebunden auf Seite
Cover Stories - 2x2tba
TileSourceSpace / Category / ArticleStichwort(e)
Tile 1   
Tile 2 


Tile 3   
Tile 4   

Corporate News Feed

The Corporate News Feed is a chronological display of news articles. A Corporate News Feed can be contain news articles from a news category or a space-label combination. You can display the Corporate News Feed with either a normal or a compact design.

Corporate News Feed configuration

Embedded on pageNews configurationSourceKeyword(s)DisplayNumber of news articlesOpen link in new window?
E.g. DashboardNews categories / space-label combinationE.g. Corporate News Normal / CompaCt 


Personal news feed

Especially useful in intranets where news is published in many different spaces. Every user can subscribe to the spaces relevant to them, and create their own aggregated personal news feed. The author/editor of a page can only define the position of the news feed within the page, and the number of items, not the news feed's content.

Embed on pageNumber of itemsLink opens in a new window





Mandatory news

A news message that is displayed to every user when they login. The spaces that will publish mandatory news, and the authors allowed to create mandatory news items must be explicitly defined.

SpaceAuthor permitted to create mandatory news items
  • No labels

This content was last updated on 01/30/2019.

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