
Atlassian Confluence

Linchpin based on Confluence

Microsoft SharePoint 2013


Licenses over 5 years (e.g. 10K users)
(Talk to us. Understanding pricing is incredibly complex.) 
1.20 USD / user / year1.62 USD / user / year
(plus Confluence) 
37 USD - 120 USD / user / year144 USD / user / year
Professional services10 to 20K USD
for out of the box
approach with limitations
26K - 81K USD6 to 9 times the license turnover
according to Microsoft stats
(warning) no data available

Non-Functional RequirementsAtlassian ConfluenceLinchpin based on ConfluenceMicrosoft SharePoint 2013Jive
Big and active marketplace

650+ add-ons
in one marketplace

SharePoint Store
(17 vendors, most reporting no traction)
Grows organically in companies

Grows bottom up

Sold top down
Sold top down
Professional services400+ Atlassian partners worldwide, e.g. //SEIBERT/MEDIA640,000 Microsoft Partners32 Jive partners 
Enterprise ready(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

Feature RequirementsAtlassian ConfluenceLinchpin based on ConfluenceMicrosoft SharePoint 2013Jive
World-class Rich-text editor(tick)(tick)(error)(error)
Personalized News
based on multiple dimensions
(like language, location, department, role, ...)
(error)(tick)(warning) (question)
3rd Party add-ons?
Knowledge management (like in Wikipedia)(tick)(tick)(error)
SharePoint Wiki is very weak.
Document-centric approach
limited, document-centric approach
Microblogging (like in twitter or facebook)(error)(tick)(warning) (question)
3rd Party add-ons?
Team collaboration (as in "We do it together.")(tick)(tick)

defaults to closed
(warning) Usability problems

Beefed up profile pages and org charts(error)(tick)(warning) (question)
3rd Party add-ons?
People search and skill management(error)(tick)(warning) (question)
3rd Party add-ons?
Full customization of surface to
match Corporate Design (with custom theme)
very limited, not full CSS and HTML freedom
Control and rights management(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Ability and features for "controlled" Intranet 1.0(error)(tick)(tick)(error)
World class support for team collaboration(tick)(tick)(error)(tick)
Workflow management for Compliance, ISO
and certified QM processes
Very little dependency to software vendor(tick)
source code available
source code available
one of biggest software corp
strong dependency
Little dependency to professional service company(tick)
high standardization,
400 available
always fully customized solution
mostly done by software vendor!
Self hosted / Behind The Firewall / On Premise(tick)(tick)(tick) (warning)
Microsoft is moving all
customers to cloud.
(tick) (warning)
vendor prefers SaaS
Mobile readyness(tick)
mobile surface

improved mobile design
& Mobile App

Full support for all client platforms (Win, Mac, Linux, ...)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick) (question)
not as strong with Linux

Culture and OrganizationAtlassian ConfluenceLinchpin based on ConfluenceMicrosoft SharePoint 2013Jive
Software will adapt to our organization, not the other way around.(tick)(tick)(tick)(warning)
very limited, sold as best practice
Availability of product evangelists who make software thrive(tick)(error) new solution for company(tick) (warning) mostly IT(error)
new solution for company
Full transparency?
Every documentation, pricing, info, bug lists available online without restrictions

This is work in progress. If you want software or feature requirements added or judgements changed, please fill out the form below. We'll even give you a link if you have further info for us. In all other cases you can use the form as well to contact us. (big grin)

Additionally to this table above you may find the Intranet Compass useful. It is a study carried out by independent researchers to compare intranet solutions out there.

Hier geht es zur deutschen Version der Seite.

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This content was last updated on 04/19/2021.

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