
The Linchpin Mobile app on a user's mobile device throws the following error when trying to log in to an already configured instance:


This error appears when Linchpin Mobile is not able to log in to the selected Confluence instance. There are several causes for this:

  • The Linchpin Mobile Confluence App is not available for the selected Confluence instance or the app is not active.
  • The Confluence instance can only be reached via the Linchpin Mobile Gateway and the instance's connection to the Gateway is no longer available.
  • The specific login was disabled and access rights were revoked for the mobile device by a Confluence administrator of the selected instance.


To resolve this issue try the following:

  • Check that the Linchpin Mobile Confluence App is active for the Confluence instance.
  • If your Confluence instance requires connecting via the Linchpin Mobile Gateway make sure that Confluence is connected to the Gateway and the connection is active.
  • Talk to a Confluence administrator and make sure your login has not been disabled by mistake. If you need to renew your login ask for a new QR code or add the system again by entering your credentials.

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This content was last updated on 03/23/2018.

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