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Notifications about news rejection

If your news gets rejected, you will be notified. You will receive a standard Confluence notification.

In this notification, you will read that "[Username] has not approved [Title of your news article]".

Click on the notification to open it in detail. Here you will find the reason for the rejection.

Revise your news article

Once you clicked on the notification, you will find the reason for the rejection by an editor.

You will also find two buttons beneath the explanation of the rejection.

Click on the Revise news "[Title of your news article]" button to open the news article. Make changes according to the feedback and click on the Submit for approval button. 

The View all pending news button will take you to the News scheduling overview. Here you can also find your own news articles that have been rejected. You can edit them directly from here. To do so, click on the  edit button in the article's row. 


You can enter the News scheduling overview by clicking on your profile picture within the header and then clicking on the News scheduling overview button.

What else can I do with Linchpin Enterprise News?

Want to know how to approve or reject news? Click here!

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This page was last edited on 09/28/2023.