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General settings

Mobile access to Confluence pages

Navigate to Confluence administration → Linchpin Mobile → Configuration.

Activate the Enable mobile access to Confluence pages in the app button if users should be able to access Confluence pages within the mobile app.

Deactivate the Enable mobile access to Confluence pages in the app button if users should have no access to Confluence pages within the mobile app. 

Follow the link to the documentation about mobile access to Confluence pages to learn which features are affected by this setting.

This feature is available since Linchpin Mobile 2.17.0 and Linchpin Intranet Suite 1.2.0.

Emoji support

If users should be able to include emojis in their microblog posts and page comments, activate the Enable support for emoji characters button.

The Confluence instance's database must support at least UTF-8 encoding with 4 bytes per character for emojis to display and be stored properly.

If emojis should be automatically removed from your Confluence instance, deactivate the Enable mobile access to Confluence pages in the app button button.

If this function is disabled, errors may occur when using the app.

Security settings

You can activate extended security measures for Linchpin Mobile.

If activated, the app login will be secured either by a 4-digit PIN, the fingerprint sensor or face detection.

View our documentation on security settings to learn how to secure your app.

Advanced settings

Debug mode

In Confluence

The debug mode should be used when users experience errors with the Linchpin Mobile Confluence app. The debug mode will create extra error logs which then can be sent to us.

Navigate to Confluence administration → Linchpin Mobile → Configuration.

Activate the Enable extended debug mode slider.

To disable the debug mode again, deactivate said slider.

Usually this setting should be disabled.

The debug mode can affect the performance in a bad way, so please only use this mode when errors occur and you need to create a support zip to analyze the problem. After you've done what you needed to, we would advise on disabling this feature again.

Where can I find debug logs?

Once the extended debug mode was enabled, you will notice a new entry named of the DEBUG level under Confluence administration → Administration → Logging and Profiling.

The debug logs themselves will be included within the support ZIP ( application-logs/atlassian-confluence.log[.n]).

To create a support ZIP, navigate to Confluence Administration → Administration → Troubleshooting and support tools → Create support zip.

On mobile

The debug mode within the mobile app is different from the extended debug mode in Confluence.

Please read more about this in our documentation on mobile debug mode.

This page was last edited on 09/28/2023.