On this page

Sadly, we aren't perfect. But we are trying to get there! Some issues might appear when using Linchpin Ping.

Already fixed issues

Issue regarding Confluence & Linchpin

The "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app in version 1.32.1 causes problems for the Linchpin Intranet Suite.

The issue

All health checks freeze and the creation of support zips is not possible.


Do not update the "Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools" app to version 1.32.1.

If already updated, please disable the following Linchpin modules:


Those health check modules are not of critical value, so temporarily disabling them should cause no problems.

Have you found another issue or do you have a stronger need to fix one of these issues? Tell us here.

Simply visit our feedback board in Canny and create a feature idea, vote for existing posts or discuss your ideas with other customers.

This page was last edited on 08/26/2023.